Friday, December 9, 2011

Family Session in the Park

Blogging is not high on my list of things to do. I realized I hadn't written a blog post in well over a month and it's not from a lack of sessions, just a lack of time (and maybe motivation). I've been fortunate that I've been fairly busy with a variety of work, but I haven't made a peep about it except to my friends and family. Since talking to my family about my jobs makes their eyes glaze over with boredom, I thought I'd post something here.

About two weeks ago, just after Thanksgiving to be exact, I had the honor of photographing my son's former kindergarten teacher, Teacher Dana, and her family. Teacher Dana's children were in town for the holiday weekend so we met at Laurelhurst Park for their session. We were lucky to have a dry and mostly sunny day for the session. (I feel like I write that a lot!) Here are a few photos of her lovely family from their session below.

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