Monday, September 12, 2011

Head Shots

I haven't blogged in a while, but it's not because I didn't have any sessions to blog about. I had some sessions this summer that I could have blogged about, but the summer pretty much steamrolled right over me.  Yep, I'd put "write blog post" on my "To do" list every week this summer and some how life got in the way and it didn't get done. So now, as summer is winding down, and school has started (for my kids), I am sitting down to finally write something.

One of my most recent sessions was head shots for Kellie, a real estate agent. I have actually taken photos of Kellie before (about a year ago), but in most of the shots I took of Kellie, she wasn't wearing her glasses. Kellie choose a photo to use as her head shot for business purposes and on Facebook. Since I'm Facebook friends with Kellie, I got to read as people complimented her photo (the one I took), which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But. . . people kept telling her the photo she chose didn't look like her because she didn't have her glasses on. Sigh.

So, Kellie called me up and told me she thought she needed another head shot with her glasses on. We set out on the Reed College campus to take her new head shot with her glasses on. Here is the new pic and the old one, side by side.