Sunday, June 26, 2011


My daughter's birthday was a few months back. We had planned to take her twelve year portrait on or near her birthday, but as with my son, germs and weather and extra-curricular activities seemed to dictate our lives and our possible portrait times. As it got closer to summer, we decided we need to take her portrait before her braces were put on. Of course, in one of my mom-foul moments, I didn't confirm which orthodontist appointment would be the one where she would get her braces put on. Once we were at the appointment, it was too late to back out, but we still hadn't taken her portrait. We decided we had to embrace the braces, and once the initial braces pain went away, we snapped a few photos of her sparkly new mouth jewelry.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hammock Family

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to photograph the lovely Hammock family. I'm posting these photos now, not because I'm a slacker, but because I had to wait until after Father's Day to post these photos. The portraits were taken as a surprise Father's Day gift for my boss (at my part time job). We were lucky to be able to catch a break in the rainy weather in order to take their photos. I was fortunate to get several great photos of the family together and individually. Here are a few of my favorites.